MEANINGLESS MAGAZINE is a comedy/philosophy website with writing on it.

STREET PLAYERS Available On Kindle Now !

Some of you have asked about this. I am proud to announce that my screenplay, STREET PLAYERS, is now available on Kindle for the very first time.

Please be advised: the best way to read this script is still in its physical form. There are probably formatting issues on the Kindle version, and I’d much prefer it to be read as a real book. However, I understand that physical media is a dying medium in the 2020s. As much as I would like people to read it physically, I shouldn’t be so cunty and stubborn about it.

So there you go. STREET PLAYERS is the script I wrote a couple of years ago that was judged fairly well in the 2021 Academy Nicholl Fellowship competition. I didn’t win obviously, my career has gone nowhere, and I am still a failson living with his parents. But it was probably the highest my writing has ever been rated in what you would call a “mainstream” sort of setting. This came as a complete shock to me because the script is easily one of the most offensive things I’ve ever written. It’s got tons of coarse language, racial slurs, misogyny, you name it. Basically every single character is an awful person in this script. Everyone is reduced to their sort of base desires and motivations: money, horniness, capitalism, etc.

I had a lot of fun writing it because one of my goals during the making of was to write a script that has a really high number of swear words (according to the Wikipedia entry for movies with the most uses of the word “Fuck”). I was also inspired very much by Tarantino’s work on Pulp Fiction, the Iceberg Slim story by Dave Chappelle, and the legendary criminally underrated writer Donald Goines. Out of all the stuff i’ve ever written, this remains one of my favourites.

Here it is on Amazon. I hope you enjoy.

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