MEANINGLESS MAGAZINE is a comedy/philosophy website with writing on it.

Stuff I learned in my 20s

If I live to see it, I will turn 30 in 2022, and as that date gets closer every day, I’ve been reflecting on what I’ve learned the past decade. In the past year alone I feel like I’ve aged about 1000000000 years. I’ve also looked at the analytics on my YouTube channel and have noticed that a lot of people discovering my work are on the younger side. As I get older, I have realized that we have a responsibility to help people younger than us. It’s one of the easiest things we can do that is pretty much free. If any of this stuff works out for you and you end up becoming some kind of millionaire, feel free to hit up my PayPal.

So here are a few things I’ve picked up that I hope will help you. I will probably turn this list into some kind of video for my YouTube channel in the future, but if you like the written component here it is.

Don’t Go To College

If you’re going to post-secondary school to become some kind of doctor or lawyer or whatever secure path there is left, this doesn’t apply to you. But most kids are not doing that, they’re falling prey to an archaic institution hell-bent on getting your money and your parents’ money. There are classes for a million things that don’t even matter: Poetry Major, Sewing Professional, Quilting Expert, Ballsack Juggler, whatever. They give the dumbest shit a fancy title and fool you and your parents.

Every single dollar they can get from you, they will find a way. For example: when I was in University, there were a number of professors that wrote their own books, updated them every single year so you couldn’t borrow copies from former students, and made them mandatory for their classes. The purpose of that obviously was to increase the amount of already substantial money they were making. These fucking sociopaths had large salaries, and were still looking to add dollars to their bottom line. And if students spoke up about acquiring PDFs or helping each other in any manner etc, they’d crack down and talk about copyright laws, etc, as if they really cared about morals. No, they don’t give a shit about being good people, they care about having enough money to go on multiple yearly vacations. Absolutely disgusting.

You have to remember: they’ve been getting away with this shit for years because the economy was just barely okay enough for them to sustain the illusion of you having a job after graduation. The people that dish out money for school are usually on the older side, and they think school is still necessary for a successful adult life. Boomers don’t understand the reality of the new world we’re in now, and think they’re doing the right thing by sending their kids off to college and wasting a bunch of money. The same way we worry about our grandparents becoming victims of fraud, that’s what colleges have been doing to your parents all these decades. It’s a complete joke that would actually be funny if it weren’t so sickening.

The truth is: school does not increase your chance of getting more work. Things are not okay, and have not been for a very long time now. These people telling you you’re smart are not your friends. I graduated from the University of Toronto in 2014, and since that time I’ve had one shit job after another. The only okay jobs I’ve been lucky enough to get were not because of me going to post-secondary school, they were due to knowing someone that helped me get it, the right timing, or me convincing people I was smart enough to do the job. School didn’t help at all — I could’ve dropped out my first year, and I’d be in exactly the same place now.

If you don’t believe me, and you still need some kind of face for what I’m talking about, take a look at this video.

That’s Allyson Green, head honcho at NYC Tisch responding to students asking for their tuition back during an epidemic. Tuition at the school is reportedly around $58,552, and during any other year it would be slightly convincible that the school would be somehow worth that kind of money. But during COVID, when you’re forced to stay your ass at home, it makes absolutely zero sense to dish out that kind of money for the privilege of dancing in front of a webcam.

Now take a look at that greedy cunt Allyson Green’s response again. I never use that word willy nilly, it’s reserved for special occasions only, and she has certainly earned the moniker. Look at her eyes. These people are not humans: she is a bug. An alien, a creature from another world, sent here to take your parents money. Her whole job is to take what you have, whatever’s left of it. They’re not even trying anymore or pretending to be amiable, the theft is right in front of us. College is a sham, and always has been. It took a virus for people to finally wake up to that truth, but here we are.

Don’t Work For Other People 

Almost every boss I’ve had in my 20s has been a complete asshole, it’s just not worth the money to work for these types of people. Working a job for people who don’t give a shit about your mental health or safety is a form of legal slavery in which you’re exploited for the purpose of making someone else money. I won’t do it ever again unless it’s an astronomical, absurd amount of money, or it’s Lorne Michaels or Scorsese or PTA or something.

When you work for others, you are essentially renting out yourself. You’re a little bitchboy. You’re no different than a whore behind a dumpster at 2AM in the morning sucking off business men for $20 bills, the only difference is with a job you get the illusion of being a “productive member of society.” Your parents are proud of you, everyone pats you on the back, and you feel a little proud of yourself for being part of society. In reality, however, there is no qualitative difference between you and a prostitute, it’s just illusion. If you’re working for someone else, you’re helping someone else get rich who is most likely paying you less than what you deserve. It’s like that for any “job” type of job: cashier, custodian, waiter, delivery person, hostess, whatever. Those jobs exist to make the main person at the top rich while paying you peanuts, and regardless of the title it’s all slavery but under different names.

At first working for other people may be acceptable if you need to earn a little cash in the short-term, but you should get your money and get the fuck out. The people in charge do not deserve you. I will say that again: the people in charge do not deserve you. There is no such thing as a boss or a hierarchy, that’s made up corporate bullshit. Fuck all of that, it’s old world thinking. Use them like they use you, because you know they do without giving it a second thought. To these people you are nothing, treat them the same way. Don’t even bother giving them 2 weeks notice or whatever the fuck they ask for, just get out. When it’s time to get fired there is no 2 weeks notice, they just shitcan your ass with no warning, trust me.

The other thing older people in the workforce don’t seem to understand is that, just because they may be a “higher-up,” that doesn’t really mean they can talk to or treat so-called “subordinates” however they wish. This may have been different in the 80s or 70s, but that’s not really how it is now. The internet has unionized everyone: whether or not you run your business in a transparent manner that allows people to be honest with you about any misgivings they have, people will talk. If you’re an asshole, people will talk about you and the word will get out. You might always be able to fool a certain type of person that will take whatever you’re offering and still work with you, but your reputation will still be tarnished and out there for whoever is intelligent enough to do their research about you.

An example for you: the owner of the marketing company at my last job was a manipulative, racist, bullying prick. Being a child of the internet, I was sure to spread the word to anyone I could when I was unjustly fired. What I found out was that my experience was not limited to me, and this guy was in fact known for being a nefarious character in the marketing industry. In the long run, I saved a bunch of other people from working with this clown, and had I known what he was like beforehand I could’ve been saved myself due to how many negative comments about him were already out there online.

If you’ve been raised by boomers, you might be used to the traditional way of thinking, possibly saying to yourself, “Yeah but, if I don’t get a job, how will I ever make money?” I am getting to that.

Invest In Yourself 

We’re living in the Mad Max days now, the only thing left to do is work on your own little things. Learn a new skill online, dedicate your free time to bettering yourself so you’re not trapped in slavery for your entire life. Start a business, do shit online, charge people for whatever it is you do with your skills, avoid middle men when you can, build your own empire. Even if it doesn’t work out it’s better than helping a boss that treats you like dirt.

Even if whatever you choose to do with your skill set doesn’t work out, at the end of the day it’s better than working for slave masters. You might be different, but personally I’m the type of person that would honestly rather be homeless than ever have to work for some dumb motherfucker in an office somewhere that doesn’t respect me ever again. I’m done taking orders from people less intelligent than myself. It wouldn’t be so bad if they were at least respectful about it, but they never are. Every single one of them, sooner or later, eventually let the made-up titles get to their heads, and get off on telling me what to do. You can see it in their eyes, they’re no different than Allyson Green. Fuck all those people, the old world is dead, and I’m done with em.

Pussy Isn’t That Good

This is specifically for young men that read my work, because they tend to fall into the trap and frustration that comes from the commodification and consumerism of sex when they’re not getting laid.

It’s good, but even when it’s good it’s a diminishing returns type thing not worth wasting your time and energy for. I’ve been with lots of girls, some beautiful and some perceived to be less beautiful by traditional standards, and I can honestly tell you that the game is rigged: a lot of hot girls are usually annoying to be with because they are used to not having to try hard in life or do anything without getting rewarded instantly, and so called ugly girls are likely to be more fun because they actually have to try harder in life. For example, my favourite hair colour is blonde, I don’t know what it is, but I’ve always loved blonde haired women. Even as a kid I did, it’s just my thing, IDK what the fuck is wrong with me. As an adult, in my experience most blonde women have turned out to be braindead morons with no redeeming value about them. The human equivalent of golden retrievers. The only thing they have is their looks, but they have no real substance behind that. It’s hard to talk to a lot of em, and their concentration levels and attention spans are similar to my goldfish. It wouldn’t be so bad if they were at least open to the idea of learning more, but most of them know fully well they don’t have to learn anything because they’ll always be fine in life regardless of whatever it is they’re doing, and choose to remain ignorant.

You think you might be happier than you are now if you get laid by whoever it is you’re after, but then what? The same shit all over again, the pussy treadmill. The wise thing to do would be to philander for a couple years if you really need to, so you’re less bitter later in your old age, find a partner you like, settle your ass down, and start a family. Especially with a virus running rampant out there now: you don’t wanna catch bat AIDS from China because you wanted to be a stud for a night and prove something to someone that probably isn’t even paying attention to you anymore. Pussy is fun, but it’s just not worth your health. It’s like going on a rollercoaster ride at an amusement park: perfectly good fun, but you wouldn’t turn your whole life into reading about rollercoasters online and masturbating to rollercoasters in your free time, etc, would you? No, of course not. Pussy is the same: it should be seen as the enhancement of an already cool life, not life itself.

Don’t Spend Money

You already have to spend money on dumb shit like groceries, and that adds up. I am surprised at how dumb most people under a certain age are: I used to know this girl that would buy coffee from Starbucks, drink half of it, and throw the rest away. She had a rich boyfriend who paid for her lifestyle and didn’t really understand the value of money, so she’d do this every single day I saw her. People like that are idiots and quite literally throwing away their money. Imagine the typical CEO of a company as a drill sergeant who has a boot on your neck, and pissing in your hair. That’s who you’re giving your money to. These people do not give a shit about you, let them work harder for your money. It would be absolutely beautiful to see places like Starbucks go bankrupt from nobody buying their awful overpriced diarrhea water anymore, but it never will because most people are too stupid to save their money. Don’t be like most people.

Don’t Drink Alcohol

This is one of the dumbest things you can do with your time. Going back to my earlier point about working traditional “jobs” for other people amounting to slavery, alcohol is the main drug that fuels such nonsense. In fact, during real slavery days masters would often ply their slaves with alcohol in order to numb them to the grim reality of what they were truly living through.

In modern times, people are so fucking stupid they willingly drink that shit themselves without a slave master pouring it down their throats. There are even “office parties” wherein the CEO will invite these idiots who think they’re being rewarded with “free drinks.”

Friendships Will End

In your 20s, some of the shitheads you considered your friends in the past will no longer be around. That might sadden some of you now, but when you get older you’ll realize these people were never your friends. It may even come as a shock to you who these people turn out to be, but that’s just what happens in your 20s: people reveal who they really are and become who it really was all those times you were willfully ignoring in the past so you had someone to hang out with.

Maybe one of your best friends meets some Yoko Ono type bitch that puts a strain on your friendship, maybe a president is elected who changes the way another one of your friends thinks about the world and considers everything offensive, or maybe one of your friends doesn’t agree with the fact that you want to stop drinking alcohol (see above). Good: you don’t need any of those people in your life. You have to let go to grow.

Individualism Is A Myth

This one is the opposite of the above: while it may be cool to say, “fuck those guys,” and bail, there is no such thing as complete individualism. That’s a lie invented by people who are benefitting off you being alone in the dark and not knowing what comes next. There’s no such thing as a “self-made man” who pulled himself up by his bootstraps and started a company on his own or whatever. Everyone had someone’s help somewhere along the line. Look at anyone in human history who was later labelled a genius. Steve Jobs had Wozniack, he wasn’t a genius by himself. The Beatles had to meet each other. A comedian needs an audience. Your mere existence is proof we needed other people: what did you do, fuck yourself into being born? No: your father met your mother, and the rest was history. And that didn’t end there with you being born: human beings need each other. No man is an island, and that is something that took me a really long time to learn, but it’s the truth. This year is proof that we’re all connected: some guy ate a bat in China and now we’re all “in this together” and brothers and sisters again apparently.

What I Learned This Year! (2020)