MEANINGLESS MAGAZINE is a comedy/philosophy website with writing on it.

My new book is out July 7: Something Somewhat New Under The Sun

My new book is out July 7: Something Somewhat New Under The Sun

Some announcements to make:

First: Something Somewhat New Under The Sun comes out tomorrow. This is the follow-up to the cult classic SMASH HIT, A Book of Searing Originality, that sold 5 million copies around the world, made me a very rich man, got me out of my parents’ house, allowed me to purchase farmland property like I always dreamed of, get married to a beautiful blonde Dutch wife in the Netherlands who speaks multiple languages, cooks bitterballen for me everyday, wears sundresses of various colours, and has a ravenous sexual appetite.

Something Somewhat New Under The Sun is 100,000 words of essays/aphorisms/observations about life/jokes, and so on. Some of it might be offensive or upsetting to some people, so maybe don’t read it if you’re not in the mood for that. Those of you that enjoy my work or read the first book will probably like this one. If you like my sense of humour you will know what to expect. I talk about a bunch of things in it. You might not agree with all of it, but that’s life. I wrote the book I wanted to write and I am very proud of it. I’m not sure if there will be a book 3 because I want to focus on other creative projects, but I might change my mind on that. I don’t know.

Second: I will probably be taking this website down in the near future. I can’t really justify the expense of keeping this place up anymore, and I don’t think it makes sense to waste money anymore. I’m not making anything off of this place, and it’s purely for the sake of having online real estate to post thoughts to the world. I am deciding if it’s really worth it or not, and I’m just not sure anymore.

I may reconsider this, but I don’t know. It seems like the world is headed in a dark place, and things are falling apart all over. It might be good to have a place I can still speak freely and stuff like I have here, but at the same time…I don’t even know if it’s worth it anymore. I could always just put all my thoughts on the world and whatnot in these books, and keep publishing them every once in awhile to communicate with the world. Or I could start a free blog website, but I don’t know if I care enough to do that. The truth is I am not really motivated or optimistic about the world anymore. I’m 31, things are grim, and getting worse all the time. None of this feels rewarding to me anymore. I might keep this website up for another year and then take it down next year, but again…this is all up in the air at this point.

Anyway, that’s it for now. The new book comes out tomorrow, but Amazon may post it up earlier than that at some point today if you are particularly excited for it. Thanks for the support!

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A Book of Searing Originality (EXCERPT)