MEANINGLESS MAGAZINE is a comedy/philosophy website with writing on it.

THE LOST GENERATION is avail now, and other news....

My third novel, THE LOST GENERATION, is avail now!

It’s about a group of millennials who grow up at precisely the wrong time: the world falls apart before their very eyes. Some people exist only in the cracks of society, and this is a novel about those folks. It’s kind of a sad book, it has very strong language, some drug use, and a few disgusting situations, so if you’re not in the mood for that I’d suggest you don’t read it. I also ask that if you do choose to read it you don’t spoil any of the surprises for anyone else. Thank you!

You can buy it on Amazon right here.

Or here, if you live in Canada.

No Kindle shit yet, but I may reconsider that in the future. I’m also looking into getting an audiobook going, but I asked a dude and he quoted me $4000. That’s obviously absolutely ridiculous, and I would never pay that kind of money, but I won’t give up. If I have to read it myself I will.

And like I’ve already mentioned: the MEANINGLESS MAGAZINE compilation book will be out soon as well! I’ve been working on it and it’s going well I guess. Essays and random writings. I hope it’s good, IDK. Haha. In the meantime, you can read my novel and keep yourself busy that way. Follow me on YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, and my cat’s Instagram if you get bored.

Movie Review: The best documentary of 2020 & our era (TFW No GF)

Borat 2 Review