MEANINGLESS MAGAZINE is a comedy/philosophy website with writing on it.

Don't Do Heroin

I’ve been thinking a lot about this lately for some reason. I find it incredibly absurd that anyone in their right mind would choose to do, of all things in the world, heroin. And for that matter, most destructive things in life apply to this actually: crack, compulsive pornography use, excessive marijuana smokers, video game addicts, etc. The list goes on, but I will choose to use heroin as the example here because that seems to be the most extreme to me.

Think back to when you were a child: what did you derive pleasure from? You used a colouring book. Maybe you pretended you were an astronaut or a cowboy. Or perhaps you had in-depth discussions with your imaginary friends, you made each other laugh constantly as adults worried you might be insane.

What changed between past you and present you? The illusion of life, adulthood, and progress, that’s all. The fact that a person would go so far as to actually inject themselves with a painful needle (the irony: as a child you were probably scared of needles and would think current you is nuts) and pump themselves with some random chemical is absurd. 

I mean think about what that says about society as a whole. I think it’s more of a comment on the system itself than the drug abuser in question. Are we as a species so idiotic, so utterly bereft of joy, that we have unlearned the art of pleasure? How does a human go from colouring in a book and achieving a feeling of joy to injecting themselves with deadly chemicals to feel something? I kind of don’t get how that is logically possible.

It’s society. (Not to take the blame entirely off drug users, because they should be blamed a little bit and must take responsibility for their poor choices in life. I fucking hate people that act like “victims”). But society is at the root: the fact that a human who was once brimming with optimism and the ability to see the happiness in life could stoop so low and do something they know deep down is bad for them is a sure sign that something is ill in our world. It’s proof that, even with all our so-called progress, the “people in power” don’t want you to look deep within your soul. Because “they” know that if all the people in the world were to take a second and assess what truly makes them happy, there’d be no Amazon warehouse slaves. There would be no fast food employees.

The truth of it all is the happiness never really left your soul, you just gotta find it again. Most of what people think life is really about is all illusion. Money, the commodification of pussy, the glamorization of drugs, materialism, whores who love Balencieaga bags (IDK if I spelled that properly because I am not a whore)….all that shit is man made. Align your mind closer to what happiness is at its core: shit like walking in a park. The appreciation of genuinely great art. Jumping rope. Lifting weights. Boxing. Sun and steel! If you ask me, that’s the natural heroin of life.

What does "life is meaningless" mean?

Short Story - The Waiting Room