MEANINGLESS MAGAZINE is a comedy/philosophy website with writing on it.

No One Knows Anything

No One Knows Anything

“Nobody knows jack shit about what is going on. The best guesses are lies, you can be sure of it. We have bought in so thoroughly to the notion of a hierarchy of information and a declension of truth from ‘experts’—whether politician, priest, or scientist—that we have devalued ourselves as the primary instruments of our knowing.” —Terence McKenna

It took a very long time for me to fully comprehend, but something that is now 100% clear to me I am fully certain of is that absolutely no one knows what the hell is going on or what they are talking about. Everything is a wild guess, and if you’re passing a guess onto someone else as fact, that is as good as a lie (as our friend McKenna states in the above quote). I am no exception to this, and I don’t harbour any illusions about myself as some kind of genius who is truly “in the know” of anything more or less than the average person, this is merely just an observation I’ve made with time.

You can see this example in how the very beginning of the coronavirus debacle played out in January-early March 2020. At the start of the pandemic, you might remember Theresa Tam mentioning to the public that masks were not necessary. At first, the narrative given to the public was that the virus was something to be concerned about, but we shouldn’t all be freaking out. And then by March 13, 2020, only a short time after this initial announcement, she backtracked and changed her advice to, “You should definitely wear masks.”

People give conspiracy theory folks a lot of shit (as they should: most of these people are just losers in desperate need of an outlet and meaning in a world rapidly declining like the one we’re all stuck with), but when you encounter lapses in judgment by our public officials like the one Theresa Tam displayed, it is no wonder why conspiracy theories constantly bloom. I don’t think these conspiracy people are as intelligent as they probably like to consider themselves, however, I also don’t think they are wrong to question things either. What I would argue is that, there is no real conspiracy other than the fact that no one knows what the fuck they’re talking about. That’s it, that’s the real truth of the matter.

Yes, there are groups of people scheming to rip you off. Yes, the government doesn’t care about you beyond what you can do for them as a slave within this system. But no, there is probably no cabal of people or an illuminati somewhere planning out how the next 1000 years will play out, and planning to insert computer chips in all of our arms. That is literally crazy talk. You already have an iPhone distracting you at all times: the computer chip you worry about controlling you is already in your hands, genius. The truth is a lot dumber, and much more boring and unromantic: humanity as a whole is a moronic species who have survived for all of these years by sheer luck and accident. There is no one person or group who truly knows more than anyone else on this planet, there are just people with more resources and power, and that’s about it. And anyone can earn more resources and power if they work hard enough and they’re lucky, maybe.

You can see the Theresa Tam slip up phenomenon with that Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus guy as well, to a lesser degree. Whenever I see him speak on the news or watch a clip of some press conference he was speaking on, I do not get the sense that he is an authority or knows anymore than myself or the average person. I just get the sense that he’s doing his best, and he’s just pulling things out of his brain to be helpful and a comfort to those that want to hear such messages. I never get the feeling that he’s in full control of what he’s saying, I just hear a guy talking and somewhere there’s a voice behind it inside him that is saying, “I hope I’m doing a good job here. I gotta find my frequency!” Then when he does talk, it isn’t really anything useful that anyone at home couldn’t have done. When you read between the lines, he just says things that don’t mean anything really at all, like, “We must eradicate the covid-19 virus.” These sentences are pleasant and nice to hear if you’re at home and afraid, but all stuff like this really amounts to is an empty platitude from someone who doesn’t really know what else to say. It is not particularly insightful or helpful in any tangible manner.

You can also see this concept in how boomers and people of a certain age talk to their children or younger people in general, and how absolutely meaningless and irrelevant all of their advice is in the 2020s. As I have already commented: we are in a new era in which all of our former well-respected institutions are crashing down and the walls are rapidly closing. It does not take a particularly astute mind to point this out, it’s just common sense at this point. When boomers give advice to people on what works, especially with regards to finding employment and surviving in this new world, it is sad to hear because you are essentially listening to the words of a dead person who does not know they’re dead yet. It’s like listening to a song from a former era, except it isn’t a good one that has stood the test of time like something great from the 70s by Marvin Gaye or something cool like that, it’s just an irrelevant song with lyrics that are gibberish that no longer make any sense for our new reality. They don’t really know what they’re talking about because, like I just said: we’re in a new world now where everything we once knew is on its way out.

I first realized this in 2013. That is almost a full decade ago at this point, but back then I was 21, still in university, and looking for work after they raised the rent at the store I was working at (which made them close completely). Because I’ve always listened to boomers and at that time failed to see what was going on, I decided to “pound pavement,” as they say, and look for work in real life. I printed a few copies of my resume, and walked around my neighborhood going into different businesses that I thought might hire me. You can imagine how well it went: I’d try to introduce myself, hand over my resume, and the exhausted teenagers behind the counter would tell me, “We don’t accept paper copies of anything anymore. Just go home and apply online.” There were a couple employees that took my resume, but I’m pretty sure they just tossed it in a garbage I couldn’t see under the counter. What I didn’t realize is that I should not have listened to my parents, or any of the adults in my life: in 2013 the old guard was still in existence, but in its last days. I thought I’d be able to take old advice and apply it to a changing world, and I was dead wrong. If I could do anything differently in the 2010s it would have been to not listen to anyone older than myself, not look up to anyone for advice or anything of that sort, and shun out the outside world completely in favour of the online one, because no one knows anything.

These people don’t understand that their entire way of life is about to be changed. More so than it already has in the last couple of years. To the average boomer, a restaurant closure is a tragedy. That is cute and sad, but I am talking about the real suffering we’re about to all face. Water quality becoming like that of Flint, Michigan’s. Food scarcity in general. Prices of everything rising to such an absurd degree you might as well eat your own shit. And then shit that shit out and eat it again to save money. And then eat your second, already shat out shit to save even more money! Money which, by the way, will also go the way of dinosaurs and become completely useless. I know this all sounds insane to the average normie who might happen to stumble across this (let’s face it: this website isn’t for them), but it’s not up for debate: this is all going to happen. When people smarter than me are saying it, you should definitely be worried.

To give you another example of how no one knows anything and how hollow everything feels these days: as I’ve mentioned in other posts, I am currently employed. Things have changed so much in the past couple of years that, it doesn’t even feel good. It’s always nice to have money coming in, but this is not a thriving society in which I can take a girl out to dinner, or go see a movie, or go shopping for a new outfit without being able to worry about if I’ll have any money leftover to pay my other bills. It’s nice to have money, but it doesn’t mean what it used to, it’s now a matter of survival (and it’s terrifying to think that things haven’t even gotten fully bad yet). What used to be a nice thing to have is now just another thing you have to worry about before it’s gone again. To be completely honest with you, employment does not come with any security or stability whatsoever. Having a job in this world in the past used to mean you would be fairly safe for the rest of your life. It meant you’d always have access to food and shelter most likely. Now, it feels like I’m an employee on a sinking ship where everyone knows what is going to happen, we can all feel how things will play out, but absolutely no one wants to say it or address the elephant on the Titanic.

And that leads me to the only logical statement to conclude this piece with, which is: this society is built on lies. That’s why people sound so full of shit these days, including our officials and people in charge of speaking to the public. No one knows what they’re talking about, and this whole thing has always been built on lies that no longer work or feel real due to the fast rate at which everything is changing and rendering those lies inaccurate and/or irrelevant. The illusion used to work, but it’s becoming clearer everyday that it was always just that, a facade. This is a similar feeling to what I expressed in my piece on Death in the 2020s: pre-9/11 we were all in an illusion that has been bursting apart at the seams slowly ever since, and it now feels like the whole garment is ready to tear. Every morning I wake up and I’m amazed this thing is still going on. I feel that this system cannot take much more illusion before something even worse happens soon (and it will).

I know these aren’t particularly nice things to say or read, but they are also not untrue. However, I do recognize you don’t want to leave feeling entirely shitty after this post, so I will give you the only real advice I can. And not a bullshit platitude either, something solid. There is no way out of this situation we’re all faced with unfortunately, other than the full immersion of yourself in your present surroundings and life. Lose yourself in your day to day life, try not to think about the past or future so much because it’s not helpful or anything to look forward to. We were all sold a bunch of lies and there is no hope for any of us moving forward; there is only the present day, which you can still try to enjoy and claim for yourself. Have a good time. Go read a book, watch a movie, or jack off, IDK. Enjoy the time you have left. I’m gonna go watch Nightmare Alley and try to enjoy the rest of my evening. I wish you all well. Peace!

Walking Around

Online Dating, Finding a Girlfriend