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Thoughts on Israel/Palestine

This one will be a bit messy, but I wanted to talk about what has been going on in the news lately. It is probably very unfocused, but whatever.

Like a lot of people around the world right now, I’ve been watching the Israel/Palestine news since October 7. If you follow this website or have read anything I’ve written in the past before, this might surprise you due to how I’ve talked openly about how important it is to not watch the news. For your mental health and a variety of reasons I won’t get into. And make no mistake, I still don’t. But I have been keeping fairly up to date with this stuff because it’s not just the latest addition to any old run of the mill conflict. What we are watching right now is quite literally a genocide in real time being perpetrated by the terrorist state of Israel, and sponsored by the U.S. government. There is no other way to put it: the Palestinian people are being brutally slaughtered right now by Israel and America.

Now, of course, I have to say that I am no Hamas fan either. What happened on October 7 was terrible, and I do not condone violence at all. However, if I’m being perfectly honest here: I have zero sympathy for Israel or anything that happens there because of their history. As a person raised in a Muslim household, I have always been aware of how evil Israel is: I get videos sent to me on WhatsApp all the time of how cruel Palestinians are being treated over there by Israelis (even before October 7). Am I saying that innocent Israelis deserve to have terrible things happen to them? No, of course not. No one innocent deserves anything bad to happen to them. What I am saying here is that if terrible things happen there and innocent Israelis happen to be implicated, I completely understand why and have difficulty caring as much as if something bad happened to someone else in another part of the world. Israel has always had a sordid history of forcing Palestinians out of their own homes, displacing them, and treating them like absolute garbage. (In fact, this conflict has been going on for so long now that I was recently reminded that in grade 7 I had to do a word search for English class and one of the words was “Gaza.”) To put this in perspective: this conflict has been going on for so long now that if some guy were to wake up from a 10 year coma and you told him about covid, lockdowns, Donald Trump, and then the recent Israel/Palestine stuff, the Israel/Palestine stuff is what he would not be surprised by.

So to sum up my “side,” yes I condemn Hamas, but no I don’t give a shit about Israel at all really. Fuck Israel honestly. I obviously feel bad that hostages or innocent people are involved in any of this, but I can’t say I’m surprised it’s happening. To act like there’s no reason for this kind of retaliation is to ignore years of history where Israel is somehow the “good” guy in all of this, which is clearly not the case. Especially as we’ve seen in the past 2 months now: you’d have to be a braindead retard to still be defending Israel at this point. And most of the people who have been vocal can be aptly described in that manner. Literally not one person that has been vocal about defending Israel has been anyone I’d consider to be intelligent or worth listening to in any real way: Brett Gelman, Michael Rapaport, Amy Schumer, Sarah Silverman, to give you some examples. All braindead retards and cringe fucking losers IMO. Since Oct. 7, almost all of these people mentioned have tried to make the situation seem like it’s the world against persecuted Jews, Jews are victims, everyone is an antisemite, it’s the 1940s all over again, and blahblahblah. Completely ignoring the fact that Israel is acting in the same ways Nazis did in the past. So much for, “Never again,” I guess. It’s fucking pathetic to watch, but goes back to things I’ve said in my various books over the years: the average person is no different than a Nazi and will look the other way about certain things if they have to. We are seeing that now.

If you have missed this stuff or haven’t been keeping up to date in the past little while, here is just a small taste of things that have happened lately after October 7: 

-Israel is killing an average of 100 children a day.

-Sarah Silverman made a post on Instagram defending Israel’s decision to shut off water and electricity in Gaza (and then later blamed making the post on weed).

-The youth have gotten so angry about the whole situation that Bin Laden was trending at one point on Tiktok for a letter he wrote to America 20 years ago in which he discusses his criticism of the West (which The Guardian later took down).

-Sacha Baron Cohen had a meeting with Tiktok to complain about antisemitism on the platform (despite the fact that he owes his career to racist caricatures and making fun of other groups — it’s okay when he does it apparently).

-Biden has a 70% disapproval rate with young voters because of how he’s handling the conflict.

-The actress Melissa Barrera was fired from her role in the upcoming Scream 7 film because of her support for Palestine. The studio released a bullshit statement weaponizing antisemitism and accusing her of saying things she never did. Many were quick to see the situation for what it was: McCarthyism, and basically failing to comply with what the studio wanted (the studio is owned by two Jews).

-The US House of Representatives voted in favour of Israel’s “right to exist” (effectively supporting Zionism, and equating anti-zionism with antisemitism, which is not the same).

-In my city there have been a couple protests in support of Palestine, the most notable one being at a Chapters bookstore downtown because the CEO Heather Reisman is wealthy and donates money to the Israeli army. The protestors involved were later charged and the media attempted to smear their protest as antisemitic (despite the fact that the protest was not because Heather Reisman is Jewish, but in fact due to her large contributions to the IDF). 

(That doesn’t cover everything, and there’s no way to do it all justice, but that’s just a snapshot of the the times we’re living in. For a more full picture I’d suggest going on Twitter and looking at all the brutal imagery and reports going on in Palestine if you can stomach that type of thing). 

Now, the interesting thing to me about all of this stuff is there seems to be a total breakdown or ignoring of truth happening. It’s fascinating to me that someone would still support Israel despite being so clearly in the wrong, but my point in mentioning all of the above instances is people are acting like that’s somehow still an option, which it isn’t anymore. It never was really, but it is becoming almost impossible to ignore the level of evil on display by the Israeli government. What we are seeing right now is people struggling to admit their “side” is wrong, and grasping at straws (“hostages,” a “place of refuge,” etc).

Like I said: you would have to be a real retard to still be in support of Israel’s bloodlust. There is nothing that justifies what the IDF is doing, but a lot of people are choosing to see only what they want to see. The only people still supporting Israel are people who were probably raised on this childlike belief of Israel being a good place and are still emotional about it and can’t see the truth about what’s actually going on, people who have jobs and are being forced to stay silent, Zionists and people who have something to gain from Israel’s existence, or people who are just that dumb and deluded by propaganda and so forth. Other than that, there is really no reason any logical person would support any of this stuff. I think this is Israel’s Me Too moment currently, and a lot of truths are coming to light. 

Everyone with a brain can see what is happening: antisemitism is being weaponized against people who are not antisemitic (just like how the Holocaust has been historically weaponized to defend the very existence of Israel and why there must be a place of “refuge” for Jews, which is obviously retarded in 2023), the U.S. and Israel are working together to ensure Palestinians are displaced and forced to go live in other parts of the world (the ones that are still left alive from this genocide, that is). Israel will steal Palestine’s oil, they will build Starbucks and Wal-Marts over the homes and lives they destroyed, and they will get away with all of this in the short-term.

In the short-term. In the long-run, I think history will not be kind to Israel or anyone that supported this (under the guise of “bringing back hostages”). The big difference between what they’re doing now and what they were doing in the past is not just the level of death and murder, it is the fact that it’s now all on display for everyone to see with access to high-speed internet. I mentioned at the beginning of this post I first encountered “Gaza” in grade 7; at that point in history it was not possible for me to have unprecedented access to literally hundreds of videos shot in HD with smartphones. It wasn’t possible for me to see exactly what Israel does. But I can see it all now, and so can everyone else. They are doing all this shit in front of us, and they have Biden’s seal of approval (if he even knows what the fuck is going on in between shitting and pissing himself). It is sick, satanic shit and the Palestinian people are being used as blood sacrifices in front of the whole world.

But like I said: history will not be kind to Israel. Even when they extract their stolen oil from Palestine and build their Starbucks and Walmart and whatever the fuck else they plan on building in that grim deathscape, they will forever be linked to genocide. Not to mention, future retaliation will always be a possibility and Israel will probably never be fully “safe.” I think in the future Israelis will be written about in the same way Germans in the 1940s are written about now. Except this time the delicious irony is that Jews had that stuff happen to them in the past and they should know better, but they apparently don’t, so they’ll be written about as being even more evil and shitty.

I personally believe that when you build over stolen land it comes with serious consequences: you are basically karmically cursed for the rest of your life, your offspring’s life, and so on. In fact, I have already seen the trend of Jews renouncing their citizenship to Israel because they are seeking to absolve themselves and destroy any link between themselves and what is happening in their name over there.

Finally, the other big thing to remember is that we all die at the end of the day. This is one of the aspects Islam stresses the importance of that I have always liked: this world is not real, all of this is bullshit, and it is merely a temporary home. Which basically means all victories are nothing really. It’s all just a precursor to death. So enjoy your empty “victory” now, Israel. It won’t last forever. Fuck you.

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