MEANINGLESS MAGAZINE is a comedy/philosophy website with writing on it.

An Important COVID-19 Update From Meaningless Magazine

As you are probably aware: the 4 wealthy Illuminati businessmen that run the world invented a new disease called COVID-19 and decided to spread it this year. As a result, here at Meaningless Magazine we will be taking the necessary precautions to help limit the spread. Instead of being our usual level of commonly accepted disgustingness we will try to be slightly less disgusting.

Haha. JK, obviously. This is a website on the internet (the only fashionable virus), and is not affected. I am a shut-in, have very little friends, no social life, and rarely ever go outside anyway, so it just feels like a regular week in my life with more alarmist news coverage, haha. Anyway, since this website is about looking at life differently and always questioning shit: I just thought I’d update with my thoughts.

What does COVID-19 mean for humanity? What does it say about us? Well firstly: I should say that I’m just some goof, I have no clue. And I think most people have no clue what is going on (regardless of title). A guess at best is all we can really do. But if I had to comment on the situation with my gut instinct: I think the truth lies somewhere in between “it’s the end of the world” and “it’s not a big deal.” People should not be panicking and stockpiling on water bottles and fighting each other in grocery store aisles for toilet paper yet, but this is also a cause for concern.

Think about what you’d do if you had no phone or internet or TV or whatever and just lived your life: you probably wouldn’t even know this virus is even a thing. I’m not saying that’s the way you should live your life, but I also think: you should not really worry about what is outside of yourself. Things you can’t control are only going to stress you out and fuck with your immune system more, so stop watching 900000000 hours of the news about this that don’t really offer any meaningful solutions.

It’s good to be worried a little, but it’s also very important to not let this take over your whole brain. You know that phrase about not letting someone live rent-free in your head? That should sort of apply here. The way the media has been reporting this is kind of absurd: we now have to hear about every single update on the matter regardless of how trivial, and it’s never about one of the many recoveries that have happened. It’s always doom and gloom to these fucking people. Tom Hanks has it and says he’s pretty much fine.

This is indeed a wake-up call, but now is the time to act rationally more than ever. If there’s anything we can learn from this it’s that humans are probably all connected. Whenever a major disaster or a blackout or something like this happens, humans are all reminded that we’re connected for awhile and then we go back to being selfish pieces of shit again. 

Even though that sounds like some hippie bullshit, it’s kinda true. As such, we should try to maintain a healthy symbiotic relationship with the Earth. People forget that we kind of have an unwritten agreement with the Earth; however you treat the planet is what you’ll get back. It might be callous to say, but this could be a reaction from nature and a direct result of our years of repeated ill-advised Lorax-like treatment of it.

There is evidence that suggests humans are literally doing unnecessary things that can lead to the booming of diseases. It might be dumb to personify the Earth like I am, but it could also be the Earth telling us to slow down our rate of carnage. Who the fuck knows what kind of diseases and other things we will have to worry about when global warming thaws out more shit we had no idea about? If you think Coronavirus is the last of this, get ready for JohnnieWalkerAIDS. We should be grateful this one virus isn’t worse than it already is, and use this as an opportunity to correct our sociopathic behaviour toward our planet while we still can.

…But what the fuck do I know? Maybe they’ll find a cure for COVID-19 in the next little while and we’ll all go back to pretending this shit doesn’t exist until Mother Nature tells us it’s time to care again. As for me: I am not a scientist or someone important. I’m just an artistic guy, and I will be going back to work on my writing, filmmaking, and comedy. You will hear more from me when I actually have more shit to say. My store is still up if you’d like to check that out. Hopefully we’re still all here by the end of the year, I’m excited to share what I’ve been working on. Cheers.



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