MEANINGLESS MAGAZINE is a comedy/philosophy website with writing on it.

We Need To Talk About The "Ice Cream So Good" Meme

If you are not a very online person (and if you aren’t: congratulations, this is who we should all strive to be), you might have missed a recent thing that went viral. I will unfortunately have to describe it to you in order to discuss this further. The clip that went viral (on the very popular, but sinister Chinese app TikTok, which was most likely invented to make the West dumber than they already were) features a young woman who is popping popcorn kernels with a hair curling iron, and speaking in weird phrases and non-sequiturs whenever one of her many followers gives her a tip. (To be completely honest with you, I assume this is what is happening, but I don’t care to look into it too much). Whenever someone tips her she says catchy phrases like, “Ice cream so good! Yes yes yes! Gang gang!” And a bunch of other things that aren’t even real words I can’t even describe to you.

When I first saw this I made a joke on Twitter that I was leaving the website for good because I had seen enough internet for one lifetime. It was a joke, but there’s probably a bit of truth in all jokes, and I soon found myself feeling the need to literally disconnect from the online world entirely for awhile. I know there are many videos bereft of intelligence that go viral every single day, and I know this might all sound like hyperbole, but I honestly felt like this particular viral sensation was a new low for humanity as a whole. This is not a comment on the woman in the video specifically, because I don’t know her situation, and who knows: maybe she really can’t do anything other than what she’s doing. But I mean this stuff more as a comment on humanity in general. After I saw this clip, and for the short period of time afterward, I genuinely had a sick feeling in my gut about it, and so many questions.

For example: why is this woman doing this? I mean, aside from the money aspect, isn’t there anything else she could be doing with her time? Why are so many people supporting her and watching this? The thing is, even if it’s just to watch and laugh at, why do that instead of reading a book? Why engage with this at all? Even if it’s just to joke around about, these people watching and paying her are part of the problem. Human beings are so much better than this, or at least, we used to be. Part of the sick feeling I had in my stomach about this video was that I felt it really marked a new era for us as humans: gone are the days of people reading books and bonding over information, for example. And gone are the days of a culture that is actually good for us and healthy in some way, even if small, because it makes us think a little bit. We’re now in an era where someone can literally make money off doing and saying things completely devoid of any thought whatsoever. And this is not entertainment marketed towards children, which would still be unacceptable to me, but at least somewhat more excusable. This is a grown woman (who could be doing literally anything else, something that actually helps people) doing this stuff in front of an entire audience of other grown people. I don’t want to get too dark here, but I will: none of these people should really exist, and yet all of them do. We’re living on a planet in its dying days, and it’s working really hard to keep all of these should-not-exist people alive. And for what? Ice cream so good! Yes yes yes! Gang gang! Brrrrrrrr.

I hesitate to say this next thing, because I don’t want to sound bitter or jealous (I am not), but I will say it anyway. To give you some perspective about how sick I felt watching this viral clip, you have to remember that I am the same guy who recently published two books of 100,000 words each. They’re filled with ideas, jokes, thoughts, observations, various philosophies of life, and so on. Will I ever make as much money as this ice cream so good woman? No, of course not. That’s not what it’s about and not why I wrote the books, and blahblahblah, but still: it makes me sick to my stomach that something so low-effort and unintelligent can earn money in this world, and someone else can work really hard and die completely unknown. It seems like the dumber you are on this planet, the more you’re rewarded. Forget about my books, what is even the point of me writing on this website? At this point it’s honestly depressing and downright insulting to see what most people consider to be entertainment now. And as I’ve said before, it’s probably better to separate myself further from the culture instead of seeing stuff that makes me bummed out.

Finally, the last thing I wanted to talk about is something most people who are familiar with my work will not be surprised by. As regular readers of my work may already know, I am quite blackpilled about this climate emergency and collapse stuff. We are quite literally in our last “normal” years. 2023 has already broken records for the hottest temperatures ever. Like in the history of the world. Some regions have already seen wet bulb temperatures. Scientists have talked about how they’re scared. Anyone with a brain can tell you they are worried about the future. And yet, the things going viral are not protests in which we all band together, quit our jobs, and demand action from our governments. Instead we get the “ice cream so good” woman. And like I said, it’s not her fault/I don’t wish to criticize her as a person because I don’t know her outside of her “work.” My point is: we are living in the dumbest fucking culture ever filled with retards who won’t do anything about their situation. It’s like they’re taking selfies of themselves in front of a cliff, and going “gang gang,” as some guy creeps up behind them and fucks them up the ass, and then throws them off the cliff. At this point I honestly can’t say I will feel that badly about whatever happens next. We had all the information in front of us and instead of acting on it or using it to guide our behaviour in any way….we chose to watch a woman pop popcorn in a curling iron. Ice cream so good! Slay!!!

On The Zeitgeist and RIP William Friedkin

My new book is out July 7: Something Somewhat New Under The Sun

My new book is out July 7: Something Somewhat New Under The Sun