MEANINGLESS MAGAZINE is a comedy/philosophy website with writing on it.

Walking Around

I like to go for walks and I want to talk about it here for a moment.

I have already talked about how you should not watch the news or pay any more attention than you need to what is being reported. You can if you want to, but I think it’s better and healthier not to. Certain things you might need to know, but I think those times are rare. And the things truly worth knowing about will be mentioned to you eventually. “News travels fast,” as they say, especially if it’s important. I think it should be a matter of pride how little one watches the news or keeps “informed” about what’s going on. You should live in your head and not doom yourself before your time.

Anyway, that isn’t the main point of this one. The reason I started writing about this is because I had the thought while walking around recently that you might forget the shit that is happening all around you if you don’t take the time to check it out. I find it so strange and humorous that a lot of times, people will just straight up sit down and scroll for hours, reading about what’s going on somewhere halfway across the world that doesn’t even affect them. People will literally read articles about Ukraine or a president they will never meet, instead of literally going outside and taking a walk in their neighbourhood. These events literally live rent-free inside some people’s heads; this is not a sign of an intelligent or well-informed citizen, I think it’s just another example of a sick individual in a twisted system. But of course, due to how much of an upside down society this is, I seem ignorant here, and the guy who sits down reading about a country he’ll never visit is viewed as the smart one.

I honestly have no clue what’s going on with Ukraine and I don’t really care at the moment, I just want to enjoy the time I have left in my life. Who cares if some people in one place I’ll never go are bombing the shit out of some other country I will also probably never go to? If they bombed a place that matters, like wherever I happen to be at the time😂😂😂, then I suppose I’d have to pay attention. But that hasn’t happened yet, so I won’t waste my time while I still got it. Of course, some people will read this and say stuff like, “Well, that’s insensitive. What about humanity? Your fellow man? Showing support, being a good person, shit like that.” That is true, but it also does not negate or undermine my earlier point in any way, which is: you still have your life and surroundings to worry about.

I mean, think for a second about all the people and creatures that live around you for a moment. One day in the summer I was out walking and I found a little baby bird on the sidewalk. I think he/she (or maybe it’s a they/them IDK, I should have asked the bird) might have fallen out of their nest, and it was crying for help. The mother was somewhere above in a tree, yelling out at me and probably trying to tell me to leave it alone or help. Unfortunately, I am not Michael Jackson and my tree climbing abilities are not what they used to be, and I could not get this bird up the tree. But I managed to put it safely away in a spot nearby, so nobody would accidentally step over it, and so that the mother could possibly return to it at the right time. My point in mentioning this anecdote is that, you just don’t know what the fuck’s happening around you unless you look around and make sure. You can make a difference in your own little community, no matter how small, and you should worry less about what’s going on in other communities. Or maybe that’s wrong, who knows. But I still contend: you shouldn’t let what’s going on super far away from you affect your mental health level right here in any way.

Something I’ve noticed about the different types of thinking, when you’re outside going for a walk alone vs when you’re indoors stewing in unnecessary news, it feels like your thought process is being hijacked more. When you’re on social media you might have the thought, “Wait, what the fuck was I thinking about again? How did I get here?” You started off thinking about something and somehow ended up worrying about Ukraine or what some celebrity is doing to her pussy these days. It’s irrational, and you should strive to remember what is being done to you and your thoughts: they’re being steered in some way. Mind your own business, worry about your own pussy. Haha.

The thing I’ve realized about stuff like walking and meditation, is that we have an inner force. An inner light, or an inner strength. Whatever you want to call it. It’s alive in all of us. We are generative creatures at our core. But very often you’ll see people become sluggish, lazy, and shitty, relying too much on outside/external entertainment. It’s like people forget that they are capable of doing things themselves and enjoying their time more. When we were kids in kindergarten we would colour for hours, or drive little toy cars on the carpets with pictures of roads on them, and that was a perfect day. Despite age and money and jobs and taxes….you’re still the same person, and you don’t need stuff like the news interfering with that bliss IMO. What I’m getting at here is, you don’t need constant stimulation to be happy or feel like you’re part of “the conversation.” You don’t need to be invested in the so-called adult world, even if you might seem dumb to others for doing your own thing. If I’m not well-informed about what’s going on, who gives a shit. I’ll just say, “I don’t know,” and live my life. When you’re out for a walk none of that political shit matters.

The news can be helpful, but an unwanted by-product of all this info and phone shit that people forget is the anxiety that comes with it. It feels like one is being artificially provoked into feeling a way they weren’t before looking at their phones. Phone shit and domestication are unnatural, and the reason why we often feel shitty in our lives is because our bodies and brains can tell we’re living in a contrived manner that isn’t how we’re meant to be. Humans are not meant to be inside watching shit on a screen all day. Never before in human history have we done stuff like this. This type of atomization and separation from each other is forced, and not good for people. I am ranting now, so I’ll stop. To sum up: the news will have you worrying about Ukraine, and the whole time you’re just going INsane😂.

I realize this one is repetitive and too similar to other stuff I’ve already written, but who cares. Just some stuff to think about again. You can tell how silly most things are by looking at what people have to gain from you doing them. Going for a walk is entirely free, and no one gains shit from you doing it, so you’ll never really see advertisements for it. Don’t pay 9 million dollars for a music festival to be around a bunch of loud speakers that damage your hearing, and sweaty people with various sexual diseases, just go for a walk and be alone. Don’t pay for a porn subscription, just jack from the heart and mind to a real person and donate that money to charity. Be a good, natural person lol. Then sit in a corner, read a book, and eat a can of tuna haha.

Some Thoughts On Reincarnation/Death/Rebirth

No One Knows Anything

No One Knows Anything