MEANINGLESS MAGAZINE is a comedy/philosophy website with writing on it.

No Set Schedule

If you follow this website at all, you might notice that I post at very random times. Sometimes a whole lot, or if I’m depressed or busy with some other shit, maybe not at all for months. There are a couple reasons for this, and I want to get into them below.

First of all: I never liked the traditional magazine structure of definitely having something ready at a certain time every month. Because that means, even if you have nothing particularly new or interesting to say, you are forced to put something out there for the sake of your business model. I don’t think this is fair to the average reader (not that the average consumer would even be able to tell). That means they have to sit through a list of shit that is very forced, like, “10 ways to keep your man!” or some other such clickbait type of nonsense designed for engagement and selling ad space and not much else. That type of "content" does not come from the soul, that is just an editor somewhere telling someone to come up with something goofy to sell ad space. It’s almost like the shit you’re reading is secondary to the profit incentive and whole motive of the magazine’s existence in the first fucking place, which is obviously money, because most people are whores, lmfao. I don’t see this place as a magazine or a blog, maybe somewhere between both. Philosophy and comedy, I guess. I don’t really know, I’m just having fun here. I always liked websites like Maddox’s in the past, because they could just post whenever they felt like it and whenever they had something they felt they needed to say. The goal has never been to go viral (going viral these days doesn’t even mean the same thing it used to😳😬😷😂).

Secondly: I like to post at really random times to make this website more engaging for myself, as well as the reader who enjoys checking this place out from time to time. When I say “random,” I mean completely random. When I write something I never post it right away. I like to sit on it for awhile and walk the earth and shit, thinking about life and whatnot, and more to add to it pops in my mind. Sometimes I will write stuff, and I will schedule it for a few days or weeks in advance, try to forget about it, and distract myself by working on something else. Then it gets published, and it’s kind of a surprise to me. It’s like I gave the future me a gift, as dumb as that sounds, haha.

I am not exaggerating when I say random either, I like to schedule stuff at very weird times: 4:42AM, or 3:12PM. Just something weird, the first time I can think of. I do this because I like the idea of someone checking the website, and never knowing when there might be new material posted. It’s almost like whenever someone happens to hop on the website, whatever they find was meant to be for them. If they’re on the site at like 3PM in the afternoon and there’s nothing new there, but I have scheduled something for 4:27PM for no reason, they might not end up seeing the post that day, and then the next day they will and it isn’t new anymore, but it’s still there for them. People will see the messages when they need to see ‘em, if that makes sense.

I realize this sounds insane, but it’s incredibly fun to have no set time and no one breathing down my neck and shit. To give you some insight into how crazy this is: I have several unpublished essays ready to be posted, but I prefer to have them scheduled for completely random times to make things exciting for myself. I am never fully aware of what has been posted and what hasn’t yet. How funny would it be if I died, and I could pull a Tupac on this website for the rest of my days or for however long I could afford to keep it up for? That shit would be wild. There was a dude (Mitchell Heisman) in 2010, who killed himself, but scheduled an essay about his suicide to be posted shortly after his death; I always thought that was cool. He made his death an artistic act. Sometimes it’s fun to make the medium of whatever you’re on a little interactive.

I mean, think about if your favourite show did not air every single week. I think it would be hilarious if a show like Euphoria showed 2 episodes of a season one night, and then randomly aired 1 a month later, and then 2 more a day later. Just to be completely unexpected and have no structure whatsoever. It would force people to play an active role in whatever it was they wanted to see, because they could not just sit their asses down every Sunday night, they’d have to seek it out with purpose, and figure out what was available to them and how many episodes had already been on. This might frustrate a certain segment of the population for sure, but I think it’s cool.

The one problem I have run into, and the one thing I’d like to note about this crazy approach of mine (and this is my main reason for writing this one): if I write about something that happens to be current and I schedule it for a time in advance, due to how our world is changing so rapidly, it may no longer be relevant. I realize this is doing a big disservice to both the astute “journalist” side of myself, as well as the reader, who might be confused and thinking to themselves, “Why the fuck is he commenting on some shit that happened 2 months ago?” To give you an example: I have a post I’ve been sitting on that is scheduled to be published soon about trying to find a girlfriend, and I reference lockdowns in it. But Ontario is lifting restrictions at the end of this month, so by the time it actually gets posted it might not be relevant or accurate. But who cares. This is a free website and there are no rules. I suppose I could start adding a date on top of my posts, but I dislike that solution because that makes the piece look old and shitty, lol. So there is no easy solution, I guess. That’s life. Fuck it. …What’s been up, man, how’s your daughter? I’m about to be a father.😂

Thirdly: the other reason there’s no set schedule around here is that I am always working on some other thing and this website is not my whole life. If I’m very deep at work on a script, I might not post for several months. This is a free website, and I do not view this as something people should pay me for. I view this whole place as an advertisement for people to read about my thoughts on life and get to learn my sense of humour, etc, and then however they wanna support or not support is entirely up to them. People should pay me for my books if they want to support me at all, and that’s separate. This is just an avenue for my essays, and a way to do these writing exercises and to keep my mind active. It’s important to keep busy, and do stuff with your excess energy that isn’t harmful, like smoking crack underneath the bridge in your neighborhood. Or throwing bricks off the highway bridge at oncoming traffic in your neighborhood. You get the point. 

All of the above being said, you get what you pay for (which is nothing). I can treat you all however I like. You dirty bitch😂JK haha. Unless anyone wants to pay me to write more. Then I’ll be your dirty bitch😂.

Online Dating, Finding a Girlfriend

The "New" Man

The "New" Man