MEANINGLESS MAGAZINE is a comedy/philosophy website with writing on it.

Update: mailing list, artistic output, life, etc.

Hey there,

Just wanted to wish you all a happy Canada Day for those of you that care. I will probably be doing nothing. Reading, writing, and doing fireworks. The three food groups of a well balanced life.

Anyway, more importantly: I totally forgot I have a mailing list. Thanks to those of you that have subscribed: maybe I’ll send out writing from time to time? Short stories, etc. IDK. As an artistic person you’re always sort of questioning the purpose of what it is you’re doing. Especially if you’re not really making a living off the shit you’re making. No one cares. My life is headed nowhere.

Sometimes I really worry about all the artistic people of the world; this lifestyle is definitely not sustainable. The other day I saw someone at a local bookstore near me self-published a book and somehow managed to get it displayed at the “local authors” section. Absolutely 0% of the people who walked in the store cared or purchased the book. I felt bad for the author, but I guess that’s life. If you have something to work on and you feel it’s important I guess you should do it.

The saddest thing in the world to me is a talented person nobody cares about: look at the career trajectory of a serious, mandatory American writer like Richard Yates. He really gave it his all, and people barely cared. Literally one of the greatest novelists of all-time, and nobody cared when he was alive. It’s heartbreaking stuff :(. But whatever: he apparently felt like a failure for most of his life, yet he still wrote anyway. There’s a bit of beauty in that I think.

Currently hard at work on my 3rd novel. It’s about a destructive dislikable man who is an addict and finds love. Inspired by Richard Yates & all the greats! More to come soon.

Thank you for your support,
